Frequently Asked Questions

"Our online learning program stands out by offering a unique blend of quality and affordability. We go beyond teaching programming languages; our curriculum covers a broad spectrum, including software development methodologies (SDLC), data structures, software architecture, technical writing, inperson mentorship, community service, and collaboration. Additionally, we provide after-class support to ensure our students' success, we as also organize Hackathons to encourage innovation amongs our students. Thus, making it a comprehensive and cost-effective choice for your educational journey."
Our paid internship opportunity is a valuable part of our program. We actively seek internship opportunities for exceptional students who demonstrate outstanding performance. Once identified, we recommend these students to our partner organizations, who then make the final selection for internship roles. This initiative aims to provide real-world experience and professional growth for our top performers.
We understand financial constraints should not hinder your dreams. To accommodate every student, we offer flexible payment options, including the opportunity for two or three installments, depending on the course cost. These payments are spaced across the learning period to ease the financial burden and make our education more accessible.